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Expanding the Pipeline: Incorporating Canopy Height and Canopy Temperature
This blog post explores how to expand a drone-based pipeline for crop analysis....
Teardown and Battery-Swap of a Oral-B Pulsonic Slim Clean 2000 Toothbrush
This guide provides clear instructions for replacing your electric toothbrush battery yourself.
From Drone Images to Insights: Using Neural Networks for Canopy Coverage Detection and Measurement
This blog explores the development of a complete workflow—from drone images to accurate...
The Power of small Micro-Electronics Projects
The Power of small Micro-Electronics Projects A Blog Post This anecdote demonstrates the...
Fruits (and an onion) in the water
I just realized: pickles are not fruits either... well an edge-case. But tomatoes...
Starry Sky
Let's look up at the starry sky.
Phenotype to Genotype Gap
This report explores the genetic and phenotypic components of ideotypes, emphasizing their role...
At the Intersection of Crops and Technology
Let me explain, what I mean with my motto ("At the Intersection of...
For all who can not wait for the next holiday season.
I collected a couple of delicious images from family gatherings.
Night ‘n Light
Trying some high ISOs and long exposures.
City under different Angles
A city captured under different angles and rotations.
A mouthwatering collection of pictures about the process of making waffles.
A small Collection of Farming Pictures
Rules and Tips for the Library
Rules and Tips for the Libray A Blog Post Dos and Donts for...