Moritz Nelle

Rules and Tips for the Libray

A Blog Post

Dos and Donts for enjoing the Library

I am writing this somewhat at a short-term notice because I am in a rage: It is self-study week at my university and the library is like an asylum. But not because students are learning like crazy, but because all the rules I took for granted are ignored. To make it clear, I do not complain about every single student in the library, as a matter of fact, most of them are awesome and stick to the (written and unwritten) rules. I am complaining about the 10 %, absolutely ruining the peaceful library experience for the remaining 90 %.




1.) Silence

  • Don’t talk, only whisper if absolutely necessary and only one or two sentences.
  • Put ALL your devices (laptop, mobile, smartwatch) on mute
    • Double-check, when you leave the device behind for a break.
  • Do not take/make phone calls.
    • Yes, I just saw/heated it today.
  • If you are listening to something on headphones:
    • Don’t listen to music to load on your headphones, your neighbors will hear it.
    • Students with headphones tend to forget, that they are still making noises (e.g. shifting paper around, moving their feet, shifting the chair). I heard people humming and even singing along to their music in the library, because they forgot, that other people could still hear them.
  • Arrive and leave the library quietly (e.g. consider putting on the rain jacket when you left the library)
  • Eating loud snacks (e.g. crackers, cookies, …)
    • Most libraries prohibit eating in the first place anyway.
  • Don’t go to the library, if you have a cold and have to cough or sneeze all the time.
    • I know, this is a hard one, but honestly, there is nothing more annoying, than a coughing student in the library.
    • Stay home, give yourself a rest, and try to cure your cold with tea and cookies.
    • FYI: I personally find it okay, to blow your nose in the library, as long as it is not too excessive.



2.) Seat Booking/Blocking

  • If your university has a booking system for the seats:
    • Use it.
    • Stick to it: be there, if you booked a seat (max. 10 min. late). If you booked a seat, but can’t make it on time, release the seat in the booking system, so somebody else can take it.
      • I have seen completely overcrowded libraries, with booked seats being abandoned for the entire day.
  • Leave your seat max. 1h unmanned for lunch. On all other times max 30 min.


View from my favorite seat in the main library (TIB) at the LUH, Hanover, Germany.




3. Use your Seat

  • You are using a seat in a public/university space, use it to get stuff done for that you need this environment:
    • focused studying
    • writing assignments
    • reading books
    • there are a lot of good reasons to be in a library, these are just examples
  • Do not use this place to do stuff, that you can do everywhere:
    • Watching non-educational videos.
    • Doom-scrolling Tick Tock, Instagram, …



4. Be Kind

  • Say “bless you” if someone sneezes, as your parents told you.


5. Useful Tips

  • Bring snacks/tea for the breaks.
    • My favorite: rooibos-tea and mandarins or nuts
  • Bring or buy good food, so you have something to look forward
  • Meet with friends in the library and take breaks together
  • But don’t talk with each other in the library.


View from my favorite seat in the Forum library at the WUR, Wageningen, The Netherlands.