Moritz Nelle


Explore the intersection of plant science, programming, image analysis and much more – a convergence of nature and technology. From nurturing the green world to crafting algorithms that decode visual data, follow me along on this webpage to get a better understanding of my strength and skillset.

Explanation of the Percentages (%)

Embark on a journey through my skill set, categorized by proficiency levels – each percentage representing a milestone in mastery. From expert (>90%) to novice (~10%), explore how I navigate the complexities of plant science, programming, image analysis, … with precision and passion. The percentages are there to help you evaluate the level, to which I have mastered that skill.

Skills with a Level > 90 %


At this level, I exhibit expertise honed through extensive experience and in-depth knowledge.  However, there is still room for improvement and there is no such thing, as reaching 100 %.

Crop Science

With a Bachelor-Degree and in the process of acquiring a master’s degree, I feel confident saying: that this is my most important skill, but it still with a lot of room for improvement.

Look at my showcase, where I discuss the phenotype-to-genotype gap.

Laboratory Work

With an apprenticeship as a state-certified biological technical assistant (official job description/documentation, German) and practical experience across various laboratory settings, I possess a strong proficiency in laboratory techniques.

My expertise spans diverse domains including cell biology and plant-invitro techniques under BSL-1 and 2 conditions. Additionally, I have engaged in projects within optical and electronic laboratory environments.

Skills with a Level ~ 70 %


Indicates a solid grasp of the subject matter, with a capability to handle a wide range of tasks confidently and the ability to adopt fast to even difficult tasks.

Microcontroller Programming (C++)

Unlocking the power to bring your hardware projects to life. Your imagination is the limit.

Platforms: C/C++, MicroPython, ESP32/Arduino, VS-Code, Platform IO

Technical Imaging

Effective utilization of technical imaging in plant science surpasses human assessment capabilities when accompanied by adept image capture methodologies and robust analytical frameworks, unlocking a wealth of intricate details and insights crucial for comprehensive analysis.

Physical Prototyping

Most projects necessitate physical components such as housings or support structures. 3D printing stands out as the preferred method for rapidly prototyping these elements, offering flexibility and efficiency in bringing ideas to life.

Platforms: Prusa, Makerbot, CAD-programs

Skills with a Level ~ 40 %


 I demonstrate a foundational understanding of the skill set, capable of executing basic tasks. It might take some time to perform advanced tasks in this field, but I already have a good overview over the matter, so I know, what and how to learn skills, needed to perform a difficult task from this field.

Image Analysis

Unravel the intricate details captured within pixels, transforming raw data into meaningful insights that drive innovation and understanding across various fields.

Platforms: ImageJ/FIJI, Python

CAD Design

Imagination meets practicality, and ideas take shape in digital form through coputer aided drawing (CAD). These models form the base for the production of physical protypes, e.g. via 3D-printing.

Platforms: Sketch-Up, One Shape

PCB and Circuit Design

Forming the connecting framework to integrate multiple electronic modules with each other, to form a new device.

Platform: Fritzing

Laboratory Imaging

Cutting-edge technology to illuminate the microscopic world, unlocking invaluable insights into cells, material and microbs.

Platforms: Zeiss Zen Blue (2), Thorlabs (ThorCam)

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

Surpasing RGB-imaging in detail and infromation density. With hidden layers of detail and insight in every pixels spectrum.

PlattformsPython, Fiji, Scyven

Remote Control (RC)

Building and operating UAVs and other remote-controlled vihicels.

Platforms: DJI NAZAM, ArduPilot, Taranis, OpenTX


Admittedly very vage, describes it my skill, to open modern consumer electronics, diagnosing and fix errors on hardware, as well as on software side.


An eyeopener in terms of flexibility, ease of use and power. I was blown away by the exerience of the first month of use and am now pationate to learn more.

Platforms: VS-Code, PyCharm, Git, GitHub, Python3

Webdesign and WordPress backend

Creating/Hosting simple but compeling (be the junge) websites to promote ideas and concepts.

Platforms: WordPress, Hostinger, Elementor


Extracting 3D structures and detailed spatial information from ordinary images, unlocking a world of depth and detail that extends beyond the surface.


Platforms: Python, Meshroom, Agisoft Metashape, Meshmixer, Meshroom

Skills in the learning process


Entry-level proficiency, signifies a beginner’s journey, characterized by curiosity, exploration, and a thirst for knowledge. While still in the early stages of development, this tier represents potential and the willingness to embark on the path towards expertise.

Neural Networks

Used in tasks like recognizing objects in images by analyzing patterns in data. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are especially useful for image-related applications, like identifying objects (e.g. weeds, crop canopys, and pest damage).

Platforms: Python, Pytorch, Weka

Platforms I am working with

In my professional career, I have come cross a lot of diffrent platforms, the most prevenlent once are listed below.